First outfit post or how to look ridiculous.

Blaser: H&M - Top: Vintage - Scarf: Accessorize - Trousers: Zara - Boots: Gemo (French store) - Glasses: Rayban. 

Ok so you can laugh. You're allowed. Yep. Go on. I most definitely have a lot more to learn from taking outfit pictures. My camera decided to take poor quality pictures, hello pixels. I nearly had a heart attack, twice, when my camera nearly fell from wherever I managed to make it stand still. The exposure is poo. Realised my house is actually quite dark, and lacking natural light. Ended in the back garden, facing north, so no sun...Fail. And to top it off, I most certainly look ridiculous. But I'll get better... right?

Note to self: - Find boyfriend with photography skills
                   - Stop posing with hand on hip. STOP IT NOW.
                   - Buy a tripod + better camera.

For now, I'm going to  go die from embarassment under my duvet. Enjoy your day. Bye.


Awkward and Awesome Thursday


My computer's slow death.