5 thoughts and Hot Chocolate.

Picture from Gabby's Gluten Free.

1. It is so cold it could snow. Yes SNOW! This is so exciting. Seeing that I am missing my skiing holiday because I can't renew my passport on time... Well I can improvise my own ski trip. Ha. Down the hill on campus?
2. Cold weather means I can drink hot chocolate every 2 hours without people judging me. (Ok maybe not every 2 hours. 2 and a half?)
3.  First step class today. Well I'm not as bad as I anticipated. I definitely burned all the hot chocolates. One more excuse...Hot chocolate anyone?
4. Set my alarm for 7 tomorrow morning. Just the thought of it makes me want to nap, and I haven't even gone to bed yet. I don't very much like mondays, or tuesdays to be honest.
5. Why do people think sleeping in the library is a good idea? I mean silent computer room. Snoring, pretty sure drooling-on-desk kinda sleep. WHY?

Because I'm real nice, and well, super obsessed with hot chocolate (you would have never guessed right..?) here are a few recipes I found :

* Salted Vegan mexican Hot Chocolate from Gabby's Gluten Free (I'm not a vegan, but the pictures look yummy)
*Truffle Hot Chocolate Balls from Mel's Kitchen Cafe (Found this recipe on Pinterest and I cannot wait to try it!)
* Delicious Hot Chocolate from The Pioneer Woman (Tried and approved. I'm in love with her blog. She is amazing... kinda want her life and her cooking skills.)


My computer's slow death.


New glasses going out for dinner