Tania Joy

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Winter Potions


In the winter my skin turns from silky soft to old lizard rough. At the first sign of frost it's game over, drinking a ton of water throughout the day helps, but I still need my various potions to look slightly human!

I am currently in France staying with my parents for a few days before going back to work in London - whenever I'm here I go on a shopping spree at the local pharmacy like there's no tomorrow. I often go back to old favourites, but I could spend hours in there looking for new products.. the more natural and simple the product is, the better!

I was going to share these on Instagram only, but thought I'd pop them over here so you can get the links if you'd like to try them for yourself!

1. Hydrating Rose Facial Oil, Neal's Yard Remedies - I've bought this years ago for my mum as a Christmas present.. and had to immediately buy it for myself! I am obsessed with anything roses (you probably know that already!) this oil is miraculous, I use it by itself or add a few drops to my day cream.

2. Hydreane Riche, La Roche-Posay - I alternate between this, my Avene Hydrance and the Nip+Fab Kale Fix moisturiser - baby soft skin in seconds!

3. Moisturising Clay Mask, Cattier - I've tried some of their other clay masks, but this time picked up the yellow one for dry skin, will report back but I know it'll be a good one! (good for the wallet too ;)

4. Olive Oil Cream - I got this as a Christmas present and I haven't put it down since. I put it everywhere! I'm obsessed with its smell and I swear it's truly magical - good for the face, lips, body, dry patches, I've even rubbed it on my lion mane, just a little bit on the tips.. I think this is the only place you can find it online, can't recomend it enough.

I'll be back with Christmas and NYE updates!! and life updates! and photos of the new house!