Tania Joy

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My Dream Magnum

These days, weeks are rolling into one, and days are getting shorter by the second. I absolutely adore Autumn, don't get me wrong! Every year it takes a little adjusting to get used to piling on the layers and coming home past twilight - I have been in full nesting mode since moving into this new house a few weeks ago, making it cosy for colder days, throws, pillows and rugs in every corner. I have successfully unpacked everything (I will give you a sneak peek soon!) which means that I have had a bit more time to dedicate to each part of the house. The kitchen had to come first! I have been thrifting most weekends to find extra pots and pans and mix matched plates and cute tea cups.

So I was really excited when Magnum got in touch asking if I'd like to have a go at creating my very own Magnum recipe - following Kendall's footsteps, I dreamed up what my IDEAL magnum would look like...annndd TA-DA!

I have a soft spot for the white magnums, they're just that little extra bit rich and indulgent. I decided to pair it with a red berry coulis for extra sharpness (keep a little bowl full of coulis to hand, and dip the magnum in there after every bite... that's one way to go about it ;) I topped it with lavender shortbread and pistachios for added crunchiness, and fresh raspberries, because fresh berries are EVERYTHING.

I recently discovered lavender as an edible plant not that long ago (why did it take me so long!).. what a dream! I want to infuse lavender into everything I eat! It has always been one of my favourite scents in the entire world - it reminds me of home in the South of France. 

We've always had lavender all around our garden, every year the bushes get bigger and bigger, they're almost taking over the pool. Mum cuts the fresh flowers and dries them in big bouquets in the autumn sunshine, parts of it go into little sachets for all of our drawers!

Lavender transports me back to my childhood, especially to those days between summer and Autumn when we harvest it and it hangs all over the house! 

Now it's time to light up a candle, grab my favourite book (I've just started "The Forgetting Time" by Sharon Guskin - have you read it??), wrap up in my favourite wooly throw and treat myself to my white chocolate-lavender shortbread-berry creation! Already thinking up ways to give those chocolate almond magnums that suddenly found their way into my freezer (NO idea how......) a little extra kick. What do you think? Creamy caramel, toasted peanuts and blackberries?!

Check out Magnum's 'Wall of Fame' to find plenty of other recipes, and if you decide to create your own, make sure you share it using the #DreamMagnum hashtag!