Tania Joy

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Recipe | Banana, Chocolate & Pecan Bread

The perfect recipe for a rainy day, because surely warm toasted banana bread oozing butter is all you need in life. Am I right? I used this recipe, added pecans, added dark chocolate, took the bourbon out (not because I was against the idea, I'm just not the kind to stock the stuff) and used too much dark brown sugar - which was a mistake, so take it from me use the light one! 

I've been stuck with in bed with a cold all week, the flu-y kind that really takes it out of you but no one gives you any pity because.. it's JUST a cold, you know? Luckily I can work from home and stay snuggled in bed, feeding the germs buckets of honey and lemon tea and a lot of banana bread (not scientifically proven)

It was delicious and didn't last long (hence the lack of 'after shot') but trust me on this one, make it this weekend and have it for breakfast and possibly dessert after lunch and dinner - because it's only bananas after all.. ;)

ps : Don't forget to lick the bowl.