Tania Joy

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Bali Photo Journal | Part I

Finally, it's here! Again, I am in no way going to attempt and show you everything in a chronological order, because that would be madness - and I'd probably need a few more weeks to get everything organized.

This trip was unBALIvable (Rose's puns are obviously rubbing off on me..). We just had the best 10 days, we're still talking about it months later wondering why we're in cold London and not there on a beach with a fresh coconut in our hands. 

The first photo (and a few more) were taken the very first morning when we all woke up in a daze, jetlagged and not beleiving our eyes that we did in fact land in paradise. We had arrived the night before, tired from long haul flights (mine wasn't that bad from Sydney.. but the girls were in for the full length) all giddy and excited but not able to see very much as it was all pitch dark. The magic of the first morning, waking up with the sun, floating in the pool all sleepy eyed, sipping tea, giggling and feeling incredibly lucky and grateful.

The sounds. That's what always gets me. Listening to our surroundings that first morning, is personally what always makes me feel so far away, eyes closed, you can hear the birds and monkeys in the distance, sounds nothing like home - I remember my first morning in Australia hearing the kookaburras thinking what are those strange monkeys?! but that's a story for another time. 

We did SO much within those 10 days, we moved a lot and discovered this incredible island. Not only is it just breathtakinly beautiful but the people are so kind and gentle, which for me makes all the difference.

That beautiful beach (the one with waters so blue and clear it looks almost fake) was our favourite, it's the Finn's beach club beach, if you're in Bali, do me a favour and GO! We pretended to be real mermaids (which we managed, transforming Bella!) playing in the waves in the morning and lying in the shallows after midday, occasionally having a break back on the sand to sip on some coconut water or ice cold diet coke with lemon.. which I beleive is the BEST drink when you're hot and sandy! 

Girls holidays are good for the soul. I couldn't love these girls any more if I tried. We laughed so much, and had so many wonderful conversations, the kind that leaves you feeling inspired and ready to go back in the real world a better person. Now when's the next one?!