Tania Joy

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That's what happens when it's raining & I get bored...

It has been raining for two weeks straight now. TWO WEEKS. I mean we get the odd couple of hours when the sun peeks through but it quickly goes back to black skies & torrential showers.

I haven't been working (at my day job ;) this week so I've had to come up with indoor activities to avoid a major cabin fever.

There was a lot of tea making, a lot of dancing to the Van Morrison Pandora station, a few holidays booked (that's when the fever hits real bad), a little bit of going through my boyfriend's clothes (a lot of wearing his sweaters when he's at work...but shhh) going through mine and ending up craving summer even more (ALL of the dresses and pretty lacy tops..), way too much social media browsing (ie. Pinterest), a lot of movie watching (the one in the film is actually a wedding video...I'm obsessed with those - the emotionz guys!)

The fire makes a pretty great place to curl up and read, I've actually considered moving the bed into the living room to add on to the cosiness factor but that would have meant taking the bed apart and maybe breaking a wall down and all, so I decided against it.

It's one of those days when you get out of your pyjamas, jump in the shower, only to get back into some new pyjamas, you know what I mean? (sometimes I skip step 2 & 3) You all do that, don't lie. I'm having an octogenarian staycation. Pass me my camomile while I knit you some socks. 

Ps: I've created a Youtube channel! (SAY WHATTT) I love making films, I'm no expert but hopefully I get to make a few more. They'll be on there if you're interested...

Pps: If you want to see the past couple of films I made head over here...