Tania Joy

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See you soon India

Photography by Freya from Nishaantishu

I am beyond excited to go back to India in the next few months! I have just bought my tickets and I totally did a ridiculous happy dance in my head (I would have been fired if I actually performed it) 

I've been to India 9 years ago now (?! ok - totally freaked out just typing that out..) We spent a month in Kerala as a family and I've been craving to go back ever since. We did go to Sri Lanka a couple of years after that, which intensified my cravings by a million. Every time I see someone's photos or stories from India I get very jealous and it brings back all these memories, smells, noises... From experience and from talking to a lot of people about their Indian adventures, India just gets under your skin - whether you loved it or hated it - there's just no denying. The experience is so intense there's no way around it. It stays with you forever.

The plan at the moment is to go and meet my mum in Pondicherry end of november (she sponsors a child there and contrary to the rest of us she's been going back to India every 2 to 3 years... lucky one) We will probably stay there for a few days before making our way across land all the way to Kerala. We haven't quite decided if we want to go along the coast or straight across... if you have any recommendations, of places or people to visit, please do let me know!

These fantastic shots were taken by my beautiful and talented friend Freya, she went to India this year through work (lucky gal) and these shots are just too perfect. I can almost smell and feel the dirt in the air just looking at those. Go ahead and get lost in her India posts because they are out of this world...