Tania Joy

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A Life Update (I'm alive) & Photos that should be together

Today I sat down at my computer for what felt like forever. Two days ago I was chatting to my mum & my sister on Skype (the god send), within minutes they started complaining about how I NEVER post on the blog, mum pointed out that my last post dated back from the 24th of JUNE. Shock. Horror.

I just couldn't believe it... this whole time just disappeared in a flash. I blinked & found myself in mid-july. The blog looks like it's been abandoned for a decade, closer to an overgrown garden than a blog. The more I think about it now, the more I am starting to feel this powerful itch to write & share more photographs with you.

The past few months have been a real tornado of events, between leaving a job, feeling quite panicked about it all, looking for a new one, finding myself an Aussie boyfriend, finding a new job, starting the new job... (see how I slipped that in there..;)

That whole time my blog felt like it was a million miles away from me. I felt quite disconnected to it because I was busy living life & there was very little time left for anything else (who has time for blogging with a full time job & dinner dates to attend.. huh?)

So anyway back to that Skype session with mum & Lizzie... it was a bit of a wake up call, I suddenly felt the urge to write, and dark thoughts crept into my mind... what if I forget everything that happened in the past few months? What if Instagram dies & all that's left are faded memories of various cups of coffee & cute cats I met in the neighbourhood.. because I try to go by the rule that if I didn't blog about it, it didn't actually happen ya know?

So here I am, sitting in bed with a big bowl of fresh strawberries & Coyo (my newest addiction) reconnecting with this blog of mine. I've suddenly realised that maybe along the way I started putting too much pressure on myself to make this place something that wasn't me anymore.

I needed to remember why I started this place to begin with.. a place where I celebrate my everyday life, where I log all those precious memories in, where I keep my loved ones updated about my current adventures while living so far away from home, a place I can go back to in a few years time & remember. 

Remember how beautiful the light was when I had breakfast that particular morning, remember the beautiful cities I visited, the food I ate, all the avocado on toast I gobbled up, the people I met, the things I liked & admired on June the 2nd or January the 18th... (mostly the food I ate) It's not about making things look perfect, or saying the right things all the time, it's about being real to who I am & what I love to do. That's what I needed to remember today. If people like to read along the way then I call it the cherry on the cake!


PS: Sometimes I flick though my camera roll on my phone & random images are drawn together like they belong to the same family or something. I don't have the heart to leave them all alone, so I group them back together & this is what happens!

1. One beautiful pelican I met on a second trip to the zoo | 2. Leaf shadows & worn out converse | 3. My favourite girl at the zoo | 4. The king | 5. Vineyards for days in the Hunter Valley for Sophie's hens weekend | 6. My beautiful (farting) angel Filou who had to be put down a couple of weeks ago | 7. Cat friends | 8. Picnic thief at the Royal Botanic Gardens.