Tania Joy

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Weekend Scenes


Oh I want more weekends like this! The weather was just out of this world beautiful (and SO hot) don't be fooled it isn't that sunny every single day, it was quite grey (still hot though) all of last week & again today but Sydney weather knows when it's the weekend, and it likes to make people happy. That's what I like to think anyway.

I spent my Friday night with Soph who was shooting a few photos for a local restaurant near her house, so I was there to help & eat all the food & drink all the drinks of course. More photos on that tomorrow..! Guys...they had grilled figs stuffed with blue cheese & wrapped in bacon - FOR REAL.

The rest of my weekend was spent relaxing at home, watching a lot of New Girl in that amazing evening light peaking through the balcony. Now that I think about it.. the neighbours probably thought I was a crazy stalker taking pictures of them through my windows but who cares, it was too beautiful.

Sunday was for enjoying the sun & exploring my local beach a little bit more. Turns out Balmoral Beach on the weekend is just crazy busy.. but amazing nonetheless. Last week I took myself on a morning swim mid-week & I pretty much had the beach for myself. Then again it was a little overcast, which I thought was still very warm & beachable (I just made that up) but on Sunday in the scorching hot sun I heard this woman say that the water was COLD & didn't really want to go swimming, she'd rather bake on the beach. Now between you & me, the water was NOT cold, it wasn't even a little bit cold. I don't know if it's because I'm half british & all but that woman needs a trip to an English beach ASAP (in the summer..let's not go ahead of ourselves here, we wouldn't want to scar her for life)

Now it's Monday all over again, back into a good dose of life admin & a lot of guacamole. Is there anything better than fresh homemade guacamole?? (actually don't answer that, I can already think of 5 other foods as good as guacamole, but STILL) Happy Monday to you, here's to a brand new week!