Tania Joy

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Making Lists 03 | Why being a woman is wonderful by Rosie

Oh how I love this week's Making Lists post! I just LOVE receiving them on a monday evening, & finding out what the list is about! Well, this time the list topic was no surprise, as me & Rosie (from the famous Cider with Rosie!) are speaking pretty much every day (in our amazing whatsapp thread with Freya!) but being able to finally read it and see the photographs is the best! 

There are so many good things I could say about Rosie, that list goes on forever! I am so grateful we got to meet this year & bond almost straight away! She makes me laugh on a daily basis (a lot to do with some over sharing..which goes both ways & funny Teddy anecdotes, you know Ted right? because you will die) Life is a whirlwind of people coming in & out, some stay, some go, well I know for a fact that Rosie is there to stay. I can already imagine us talking about our dogs, kids, husbands & blogs when we're old & gray (will we have blogs then?! I hope so..!) 

There's nothing I love more than being a woman, we are wonderful creatures! I agree with all seven of Rosie's points! For your information the whole reading experience is enhanced by listening to this song or maybe this one, because who rules the world...?! GIRLS

Seven wonderful things about being a woman:

1. Our bodies are miraculous. To think that my body (I hope & pray!) has the ability to create & carry life just blows me away, & makes me feel at once completely smooshy, sentimental, overwhelmed, & also totally strong & invincible.

2. We have the ability to reinvent ourselves on a daily basis. I know men can change up their look whenever they fancy too, but come on! We’ve got red lipstick, & the choice between skinny jeans & sweet dresses, & elegant stilettos, & clunky oxfords, & masculine coats, & sleek silk scarves, & boxy cable knit jumpers. That totally beats, right?

3. Female friendships are the best. Go sisterhood!

4. We women can cry whenever we feel like it, without fear of teasing or judgement. Particularly moving RSPCA advert? Cry. Looking through treasured family photos? Cry. The Notebook? Definitely cry! When Beth dies in Little Women? Sob your hearts out! (Actually, I defy anyone, man or woman, to not cry at that scene in Little Women. Ugh.)

5. Having automatic dibs over the hot water bottle. We need it the most…so it’s basically ours.

6. Long hair. Swishing it around. How totally awesome it feels underwater. Having someone play with it. Plaiting. Curling. Straightening. Wearing it in a topknot. It’s all good. (p.s. I know guys can have long hair too, but they can’t French braid it so...)

7. Kate Middleton/Beyonce/Victoria Beckham/Jennifer Lawrence as role models. That’s all I’m saying…;)

* Photographs taken by Rosie from Cider With Rosie.

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