Tania Joy

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Making Lists 02 | What I love about adventures by Freya

Today I am so very happy to introduce you to another of my dear blogger friend for this second instalment of Making Lists - you probably know her already.. small hint >> she's got the cutest curly fluff ball called Molly, she's got freckles for days & she's cooler than any cool kid I know..... Of course it's darling Freya from Nishaantishu! I was so happy & excited when she sent me her list last night.. it's just perfect timing considering my approaching down-under adventure. Freya has travelled the world, she's been to many places I am only dreaming about.. just her crazy Canadian/Bermudian heritage makes me die with jealousy. Make sure to check her beautiful blog!

Hi everyone. I'm so excited to be posting today for Tania's Making Lists series, I think it's such a wonderful idea because everyone loves a list. Tania is one of my favourite people & I have been missing her terribly since she left London. She's my adventure twin, & loves to travel as much as I do. As she is about to embark on another great adventure (to the other side of the world for goodness sake - as if France wasn't already far enough...) I thought it would be fitting to put together a list of things to love about adventures. 

A List of 9 Things I Love About Adventures :

1. The unexpected. That's the thing with going on an adventure, you never really know what you're getting yourself into & that's almost the best part. Every day, every turn, it's all a surprise waiting to unfold & anything can happen. 

2. Learning new things. Adventures always bring new situations & envelop us in the unfamiliar, whether it's cities, forests, mountains or lakes - they give us a chance to rely on our instincts, look at the bigger picture, & give us a break from our everyday burdens. 

3. Feeling refreshed. There's nothing like the feel of fresh air on your face, a beautiful view, & the time to soak it all in over a quiet morning coffee. 

4. The fascination that comes from submerging yourself in the unfamiliar depths of another culture & country. We can learn a lot from adventuring if we look around us, & listen carefully. 

5. Waiting. In airports, to arrive, to leave, to stop, to go... all the waiting that adventuring brings means countless opportunities to get lost in a good book, make a list, write a story, daydream, & have a quiet moment in your own company - which is the best sort of company. 

6. Moments that take your breath away. When standing quietly at the top of a mountain or shouting to be heard over the crowd to order a cup of tea on your own in a bustling market, adventuring can make you feel calm, alive & brave all in the same moment. 

7. An appreciation of nature. Adventuring in the wild means countless opportunities to appreciate just how beautiful the world can be. 

8. The people you meet. Making lifelong connections with random strangers who, at another time or place, you might have missed completely. But you didn't, & you're so very glad for it. Adventuring brings you in the way of other adventurers. 

9. That peace of mind that only adventures can bring. Waking up to a day full of endless possibilities, feeling so grateful to be living in this world & to have the opportunity to explore it. 

*Photographs taken by Freya in Istanbul, Canada & Italy

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