Tania Joy

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Recent Scenes

I need more hours in the day, I also need to stop procrastinating & I should probably get myself organized a little better - but that would be totally boring. I've missed my usual 'Weekend Scenes' post on monday due to this brand new face lift I gave JFJ (is this sentence even correct? I'm losing it, speaking WAY too much French & not enough English. Can you tell?! ha) Anyway here are a few recent scenes from around the house, including some weekend adventures, tonight's cookies & a lot of cats & horses because they seem to occupy 70% of my camera's memory card.

1 // Snowy trip to the mountains | 2 // A lot of time spent on the computer, editing & working on a film project for a friend | 3 // You've probably seen this black beauty on my Instagram feed? Magical sight | 4 // More snow at the Chateau | 5 // Tonight's (GF) cookie batter (I ate 7..or was it 8? oh the shame) | 6 // Black Beauty's friend | 7 // Tonight's pink sunset | 8 // Cleopatra ALWAYS sleeping in the comfiest spots | 9 // When I was little I used to play this game, gently touching a cobweb with my finger & watch the spider 'dance' (weird child) | 10 // More horsey friends | 11 // Lizzie's cookies I ate - 12 // Cleo is the best cuddlebug | 13 // My cousin Marie's amazing cake pops | 14 // One of the view on our wintery picnic (post to come) | 15 // We walked through different farms... | 16 // I want more snow! | 17 // We found an abandoned chair on our walk.. so naturally we just sat there in the rain to admire the view | 18 // She falls asleep in the weirdest postures... very lady like MOST of the time.