Tania Joy

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Brand New Design

Picture taken by my soul-sister Sophie from  The Littlest Things

Picture taken by my soul-sister Sophie from The Littlest Things

Ta-da!! I can finally show you the new design! I've been wanting to move JFJ over to Squarespace for a very LONG time now, but never got around to do it - until last week, I sat down & spent endless hours scratching my brains & pulling my hair out redesigning everything (which explains my lack of posting this week!) 

I really hope you like it...! I would really appreciate your feedback on this, do let me know if something isn't working or looks a bit odd (it might vary depending on the screen definition & browser you use!) 

There are a few bits to be added & things to be tweaked still, but it shouldn't change too much!

I am so excited about this fresh start! You should see a couple of new 'series' starting up soon, I am also happy to say that I am accepting sponsors again (check my 'contact' page for more information) 

Things have moved around a bit, you can now find my 'Archives' in my page tab at the top, along with the Boutique page which is now simply called 'Shop' & the usual 'About' & Contact pages.

I hope you all had a lovely (rainy?) weekend!