Tania Joy

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Currently Listing 01


I'm a list maker. I list about everything..my favourite places, shopping items, dreams, books, music, movies, ideas, endless to-do lists - it goes on forever. Here are a few things I've been doing lately :

eating // heart warming soups & so much cheese 

drinking // gallons of tea & hot chocolate (with a lot of cinnamon)

practising // simplicity & yoga in the morning

mastering // hummus (Molly's recipe is so easy and delicious..) 

learning // about Australia & how to sketch

playing // with my little sister until we're both crying from laughter

finishing // unpacking & organizing all of the clothes & books I brought back

reading // Pride & Prejudice,The Breakfast Bible & (finishing) No more Dirty Looks (I'm a bookworm)

enjoying // being at home with family (& a million pets)

listening // to my gut & a lot of this

walking // the dogs through crispy leaves in the nearby forest

needing // a new camera

wearing // wool sweaters, skinny jeans & hunter wellies (pictured)

cooking // gluten free (lizzie jumped on the bandwagon so we're experimenting in the kitchen with different types of flours..)

wondering // when there will be snow

working // on redesigning this blog, exciting future projects with Sophie & my photography

travelling // back from Barcelona, visiting friends & family

planning // Fo Australia (!!)

wanting // to find balance & make things happen..

*Inspired by the wonderful The Daybook Bleubird blog