Tania Joy

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Borough Market

iPhone photos from weekend at Borough marketDSC03996DSC03995iPhone photos from weekend at Borough marketDSC03967DSC03976DSC03984DSC04017DSC04035DSC03970DSC04016DSC04003

I feel just so stupid that last weekend was my first time visiting Borough Market! I've been meaning to go for MONTHS! When we planned our fondue day with Rosie and Freya we made Borough Market a priority, Freya showed us around and took us to all the best stalls (she had one mean cold, so thank you for being such a trooper!)

We walked around snapping as many pictures as one can with hands full of fresh juices, burgers and steaming cups of hot chocolate (for me) and coffee from Monmouth (for the girls). I threw my 'no wheat' rules out of the window and just went for it. (I'm back on it now, but that's how it works.. 80:20 and all that jazz) 

I am definitely making a point to come back just before I have to leave, because it was just too much goodness in one spot. You guys know how much I love food and markets, especially during autumn season.. The place was full of beautiful apples, mushrooms, pumpkins and other squashes bursting with colour!