Tania Joy

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Weekend Scenes | Sunday Morning at the Farmer's Market

Weekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketWeekend - farmer's marketUntitledWeekend - farmer's market

One of my favourite traditions we have at home in the South of France is weekend adventures to the Farmer's Market. I have missed it very much living in London, stupidly you might say as there are plenty of markets all around the city. I thankfully discovered one just down my road open on Sundays. I can most definitely count the stalls on my two hands, I got offered a few cake samples (brownie points for the cake lady...!), I grabbed a few bits and promised myself I'll go back next Sunday! Especially now that pumpkins, apples and spiced cider are in season! I am still trying to decide what to do with those wonky baby carrots - any ideas? recipes? (carrot cake is on my mind...)