Tania Joy

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A summer Week at home

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My week back at home went wayyy too fast. For the first few days I really just enjoyed doing nothing, taking in some sun by having long and lazy afternoons by the pool. The first night I was back I baked Lizzie a yummy chocolate cake for her birthday (which was the day before!) I still can't believe my baby sister is now 17 years old and about to start her last year at school.... where has that curly chatty little girl gone?! 

I also managed to go on a couple of rides with Hugo (my horse) which was so much fun.. That horse is like the Ferrari of horses (in terms of speed... not in terms of looks, let's just say he's a bit overweight at the moment..!) I also really took the time to take care of both horses (Hugo has got a friend called Dancing..) they had daily evening belly scratches and showers to cool them down. 

As per usual dad treated us to delicious dinners, the highlight of the week was the bruschettas - to die for. Basically it was all about family, the million pets we have and food. The three most important things in life really...