Tania Joy

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Nishaantishu Giveaway | Blog Template from La Designerie


I am so excited about this giveaway!! Freya was the very first person who came up to me at a Blogger meetup telling me that she was reading my blog, and how weird it was for her to know things about me when she was a complete stranger to me! She's seriously the sweetest, and she definitely made my day by saying so! We now meet up regularly, and I can definitely say she has become a real-life friend! You might remember that day I went to visit her at her house with the most amazing garden? I'm still trying to find a way to move in..! I don't normally do giveaways but this is seriously mind-blowing, I'm actually a little jealous of the future winner!! ...


Hi everyone, I’m so pleased to be guest posting on Joy Felicity Jane today. Tania and I have been conspiring for months now, trying to come up with something fun for a giveaway post – we had lots of ideas, but we decided to postpone it until my new blog design was complete. At the same time, Tania gave her own blog a bit of a makeover and that’s when it hit us, why not offer another blogger the opportunity to re-design their own blog?

I’ve been blogging for just over a year now and it’s become such a wonderful part of my life, but now that I have a design that is more personal to me and reflects my words and pictures in just the right way, I’ve fallen even more in love with it than ever. I hadn’t noticed before my new design was in place, but my own blog was never really somewhere I wanted to spend any time. I poured everything into my content, but I never had any desire to visit my own space on the internet and spend some time looking over old posts and enjoying the memories they invoke.

About a month ago I stumbled on Natalie’s blog, La Designerieand immediately fell in love with her simple, clean and classy blog design templates. If I hadn’t had a specific concept in mind, I would absolutely have gone for one of her beautiful designs. Natalie herself has recently gone through her own re-branding and come out with a whole new portfolio of designs to choose from. Tania and I are so pleased to offer one lucky blogger the chance to refresh their blog with one of Natalie’s beautiful templates from her new or old collections. The winner will get to choose one template and Natalie will install it for them. After their new design is in place they will have three days of support from Natalie if they come across any problems or need any help.

I’ll leave you with Tania to explain how to enter. Good luck !


The process is easy peasy, all you have to do is follow the instructions on the widget below. Enter your email and follow the steps. To enter there are 3 things you have to do, all they require is a couple of clicks! There are also 6 optional entries that will give you extra chances to win!! Once that's done just leave me a short comment saying you've entered and what's your favourite template! This giveaway will close next Tuesday (2nd of July at 12am GMT) 

/! PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A BLOGGER TEMPLATE ONLY (it will only work on the Blogger platform NOT on wordpress or anything else..) /!

I wish you the best of luck! Oh and let me know if you have any problems or any questions by commenting below or email me at joyfelicityjane@gmail.com 

a Rafflecopter giveaway