Guest Post 01 | 5 reasons why you should pack your bags and go travelling | by Dashelle
I would like to introduce you to Dashelle - she is the beautiful blogger behind Dashiloupe. She is currently travelling around the world with her husband and writing about it on her lovely blog. She takes beautiful photographs and gives me a serious case of wanderlust. I am so happy to have her as one of my sponsors this month. Please make sure to give her a warm welcome!
I’m only 5 weeks into my 6 month OE, andI’m already so grateful we made the decision to quit our jobs and take theplunge. If you are even just a little bit considering an overseas trip, hereare five reasons why I wouldn't hesitate to encourage you to just do it!
1 - Life begins at the end of yourcomfort zone. Being at home is safe and easy… and boring! Being in anunfamiliar environment is challenging, and it leaves you feeling energized andexcited.
2 - Walk in someone else's shoes. Everysingle person in this world has a story, a place where they grew up, a caféwhere they get their morning coffee, a way they earn money, a park where theygo to write. Every person is made up of a million little details who make themwho they are, and travelling opens up your eyes to millions of lives in thisworld different to yours. It’s both humbling and inspiring.
3 - Space to think. If you arefeeling worn out, unmotivated, or just plain unsure about what to do next, it’stime to pack the bags. Getting away from it all gives you uninterrupted anduninfluenced space to think.
4 - Get some new eyes. Home willnever look the same after travelling. Whether you find a new love for where youlive, or whether you realise it’s time to move on.
All the things you see will impact how youperceive everything you see after.
5 -
Enjoy your life. We decidedlife was way too short to not fulfill our dream of long term travel when we hadthe chance. We want to love and enjoy every moment of our lives, and going OEwas the best way to do this.