Tania Joy

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Sweet days

I am enjoying these last few days at home. I am flying back to London on Sunday, and to be honest with you I wish I could stay longer, time flew by SO fast. Coming back home did good things to my soul. I let go of all the worries and enjoyed being with the ones I love. I had to do way more job hunting and c.v writing than I expected, but I hope it will pay in the end! 
Growing up is a tricky business. Having to act like a grown up, when inside you're just freaking out, and you have no clue what you're supposed to do. That's hard. I'm learning along the way, but I just wish someone wrote a book with general life guidelines. Where you would go to a chapter depending on what issue you were dealing with and you would find the perfect solution. That would be ideal right? 
Finding your way into society as well as finding your way as an individual is terrifying, challenging and exciting but most of all, it's all very confusing. No one tells you what you're supposed to do. I mean you know that you have to get an education, find a job, make a living... but how? Where do you start? How do you know what's the right path? what is your path?
I guess you just don't know. You never know, and that's why it's oh so exciting and absolutely petrifying all at the same time. I'm sure one day I'll look back on this and think 'Ha those were the sweet days', but right now it feels a little more bitter than sweet. Not the bad kind of bitter. Just the kind that makes you long for better days.