Tania Joy

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Scenes from today

Today we joined my French grandfather for lunch in the medieval town of Foix. We ate just at the bottom of the castle. It was so hot and sunny I decided to have a salad...and 'un fondant au chocolat'. (and NO I don't regret one bit of it...despite it being hot....i mean LOOK at it)

I have this thing with photographing insects in lavender. I don't know... it inspires me (and it smells divine).

I love summer. With its fruits, its long warm evenings spent outside, its refreshing swims, and beautiful fresh food. Sometimes I moan because 'it's so hot, and I'm sweating from places I shouldn't sweat from', but really I do love it, and it's already (nearly) mid-august and I may or may not want to cry a little because the end is very close.