'Re' vision
3 things :
- This is what I look at all day. Everyday.
- This is what I had for lunch. There is no words to describe my love for bagels. NONE.
- This is my face right now. Sometimes I like to pretend I'm an Indian. I'm cool like that.
So yes,
boring I know. But inspiration is not quite with me at the moment. I feel a little overwhelmed with all the stuff I'm revising. Yep you see, there's a reason why there's a RE before vision. It's because you're suppose to vision what you already have. Get it? In my case I vision a lot of stuff recently that I've never visioned before. I'm telling you it's not fun visioning stuff for the first time when you have an exam in like 3 days... (ignore my over use of the word vision. this is what studying all day does to my brain)
On the bright side, this bagel I made for lunch was a m a z i n g. No jokes. Grilled cheese, bacon and avocado. With some radishes on the side and some more avocado (because there's no such thing as too much avocado).
I like to take breaks every now and then to keep my sanity, but it ends up in some compulsive summer ball outfit research. If you'd like to see what I've found so far have a look at
my summer ball inspiration Pinterest board. It's all quite confusing. BUT it seems like I go back to maxi skirts quite a lot. Tania. make. a. decision. !!
Oh and you're welcome for that last picture.