Tania Joy

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Sicily Part 1

Easter in Cefalú - Walk in Syracusa - Lizzie napping in the car - Our beautiful view from our house (Mount Etna) -Climbing Mount Etna + Ridiculous Self timer shots + Our new found friend up on the lava.
More to come very soon. Looking through your holiday pictures is rather depressing when you have gigantic amounts of revisions to do and it's raining. Motivation is on level 0 right now. I spent the last 2 days at my best friend's house, doing 'revisions' in her HUGE bed, taking breaks to bake cupcakes, having breakfast at 12 am, lunch at 4 pm, a lot of catch up went on, giggles and fun times with the cat and dogs. I miss that girl. Fingers crossed we might be living in Paris together next year! 
Plans for the weekend are rather boring I must say. It includes a lot of Family Law and Criminal Law, notes and revision cards making. On the bright side, me and Lizzie (who also has some work to do... huh lizzie?) are drinking a lot of tea, we kept our pj's on, and she's now making pancakes. I'm thinking honey and lemon, or banana and Nutella. Have a yummy weekend.