Tania Joy

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Journey home

I am still alive, just to clear things out. I am flying back to France tomorrow extremely early in the morning. I will look a little bit like that girl, running like a crazy person to get on the train/underground/plane. I have been in London since tuesday afternoon, it has been lovely. Spending time with my cousins, going out for drinks, sunbathing in the park eating frozen yoghurt. Someone need to explain something to me though... HOW CAN IT BE SO HOT IN MARCH?! I can't complain, but come on. This is crazy. Actual heatwave on the south of England. I guess it is preparing my body for Sicily weather and South of France weather! I'll be back soon, with tons of pictures from home, and my puppy! First time I'm meeting him tomorrow! Can I say that I'm more excited to see him than the rest of the family? Maybe not as they are all reading this blog...